Sunflowers, Updates and a new old chart
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Hello Châtelainers!


Spring is definitely on the way as the days are getting longer and warmer but I can’t help but think of the major change since the last newsletter that is affecting all of us – the war in Ukraine.

In light of that, we want to share something special with you… Margaret Andrew, based in Ontario, Canada, is a long-time Châtelaine follower. Over that time, she has purchased just about all of the charts and collected all of the freebies. While watching the news unfold of the situation in Ukraine, she felt that she wanted to do something, anything to help. 

Margaret made a donation to the Red Cross but decided to create something more personal to show solidarity with Ukraine and created a biscornu using the Châtelaine design, Manuela’s Sunflower – the sunflower being the national flower of Ukraine.

In this way, she felt that she could honor not only those fighting for their freedom today but those in the past as well – including people in her own family. Her children have Ukrainian ancestry on their father’s side and she is the daughter of a Dutch Resistance fighter.

Margaret said:

I created the biscornu and put up a post about it in the hope that it might give some encouragement to someone who had relatives, friends, or even themselves, suffering in the conflict. I know Châtelaine is seen and followed worldwide.  My stepdaughter saw my post and immediately asked me to make one for her and she would also donate to the Red Cross, so I made a second one. Frankly, I was totally floored when I saw all the reactions I got to my little post! I did make some slight alterations as, of course, the chart itself only is one side and you need two to make a biscornu. So the bottom, the second piece is my invention but other than that it is as charted and makes an easy biscornu.

 Thank you for creating this, Margaret, it is a lovely idea and such a great use of the chart.

Manuela’s Sunflower offer


Following on from Margaret’s story, Châtelaine would like to show support for Ukraine by donating the net proceeds of all sales of this design back from February 1st until May 31 to the Red Cross.

This lovely little chart is only 5 € and in addition, I will match the money raised through these sales as part of the donation.

You can stitch the design as it stands, turn it into a biscornu as Margaret has done (there are several tutorials on YouTube), or make something personal to you. 

Purchase the Sunflower

Beautiful ‘blast from the past’


Some of the long-term Châtelaine followers may remember a series of three designs called the Victorian Ladies. Each of these original mini mystery designs features a different ‘sister’ in Victorian surroundings with some of her favorite items. For a very long time, they were missing but have recently been found like a wonderful stitchy treasure! Choose the one you like best or, if you want all three, you get 20% off!

Have a look

Materials lists

We know that some of the materials lists are missing from the design pages due to glitches, changes in servers, and all sorts of other gremlins! So, we have put a folder in the resources section of the site where you can find the original materials lists for all the designsIf the list you want is not on the design's page, you should be able to find it there!


Right on the resource page is where you also can check for updated materials lists.


Send your pictures

Errata List


Just wanted to remind everyone that there is an errata list in the resources section of the site where you can find any errors in the charts that have come to light. Thank you to all the stitchers who have helped with this by letting us know when you come across an error so we can make Châtelaine as accurate as possible.

When you are going to start a new design, perhaps have a quick look at the list and see if anything has been highlighted.

And if you find something yourself that is not on the list, then please email us at so we can update the list.


Engage with us!


Follow us on Instagram and tag us using #chatelainestitching so we can see your lovely work, your progress, and your finishes.


Also, make sure you join the great community of stitchers in our Facebook Group. Go to and apply to join. You’ll find, support, encouragement, and probably more than just a little bit of enabling! Make sure to answer the joining questions.

If you would like your work to appear on the website, on social media, or in a future newsletter, then email us with your pictures and a bit of information about you, along with how and why you stitched the design. We love seeing your work and it’s great for future stitchers to be inspired by the work that you all do.

Mail us

Until next time!


Ela & the Châtelaine Team


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Châtelaine Design
Manuela Weber - Eschenstr. 3 - 18057 Rostock, Germany - Mail: - Web:
UStID: DE316490629
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