Châtelaine's Easter News
Slow stitching means setting aside time to find myself somewhere in the thread and spread myself out on a piece of fabric.
- Kelly Martinez
Easter in the air
So, what's new?
Oh! Shh… don’t move - did you see the Easter Bunny sneaking around the corner?
I guess it’s this time of the year again and of course, those bunnies would not leave out Châtelaines headquarters!
Mr. Easterbunny left a little present for you at my desk and of course, I will be happy to share it.
But he was quite clear about the rules - you know, Easter Bunnies follow their own codex.
So first let me tell you what’s new at Châtelaine’s and at the end of this newsletter I will explain Mr. Bunny’s directions to you ;)

Wishing you a wonderful week and beautiful holidays!
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Châtelaine is on Instagram now!
Did you already hear the joyful news? Looking for @chatelainedesign you can follow and catch an eye on the beautiful stitching the Châtelainers are doing!

Do you want your photo to be featured? Use the hashtag #chatelainestitching and keep an eye on your messages, I will always ask you before sharing your photos!

Discount: Winter Birds with Squirrels
It starts with Easter: Slowly, the first buds become visible, the birds get more and more excited and get really involved, people get a little bit happier and start to beautify their homes, just like the birds.

In short, everything wakes up after a long winter and is full of anticipation for the new era. The same goes for the hard-working birds and squirrels in this Châtelaine: Winter Birds.

Although the last snow is still around them, they are all on their way and preparing for spring.

To celebrate this wonderful season, you can save 33% until the 2nd of April with the code springtimeforall if you bring this spring messenger to your home.
Visit Winter Birds in Shop
So here come Mr. Bunny's directions
As he is a tricky little guy, Mr. Bunny has got a small job for you to claim your gift: If you find out how many designs on the Châtelaine Homepage have an Easter Theme you can put that number in the code "i-am-pretty-sure-there-are-X-designs" and receive a 4 Euro discount to get one of the former Easter Freebies of your choice for free!

Sounds pretty complicated? Well, I am not forbidden to give a hint: Use the search box and type in "Easter"... the rest is up to you.

So, for example, if you are sure that there are 5 designs (no, that's not the actual number) the code is "i-am-pretty-sure-there-are-5-designs".
The code is valid until April 2nd. 
So, what are you waiting for?

3.. 2.. 1.. search
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Châtelaine - Design by Martina Rosenberg
Eschenstr. 3 - 18057 Rostock - Germany
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UStID: DE316490629
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