Dear Châtelainers,


We are facing very strange times right now. Staying at home as much as we can (well, and washing our hands, of course) is the most effective thing we can do for ourselves and our community at this time.

Take care of yourself, come to rest if you can, you don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to get out of this situation with a sixpack, glowing skin, and knowledge of two new foreign languages.

Just stay healthy, also mentally. Move, hydrate, breathe. Then you have already achieved a lot. If you can, do something that brings you joy.

If you want, you can stitch a Châtelaine design. Until Easter Monday (April 13th), you can save 15% on all designs on the website with the code „stayhome“. 

Stay safe.


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Châtelaine - Design by Martina Rosenberg
Eschenstr. 3 - 18057 Rostock - Germany
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