Dear Châtelainers,

exciting things are happening here at the Châtelaine headquarters! Check out the news below :)

Stay safe and happy stitching,


Châtelaine is hiring!
I am looking for an assistant - and maybe it's you? If you're interested in working with me...
Check the Job Ad
Fabric Viewer
Châtelaine Designs will continue to be available in the Fabric Viewer for you to try and see which color you want to choose for your Châtelaine project!
Check The Viewer
Coming soon: Material Lists
Soon there will be an option to download whichever material list you like from the Châtelaine Homepage. It will take a little moment still but was a much-requested feature. Of course, I will inform you as soon as it's online
Check the Designs
Châtelaine - Design by Martina Rosenberg
Manuela Weber - Eschenstr. 3 - 18057 Rostock, Germany - Mail: - Web:
UStID: DE316490629
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