Year in review, last-minute presents and a special feature!
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Hello Châtelainers!


Are you ready for Christmas? It is less than two weeks away now and in less than three weeks we will be welcoming 2022 – where has this year gone?


There have been some changes at Châtelaine this year – taking on a new assistant, updating materials lists, creating the errata list with the help of many of you (thank you!), a Halloween riddle and giveaway, Black Friday sale (including crashing of the website due to the traffic – eek!) and looking to the future with a developing new branding, logo, and strapline (you get a taste in this newsletter already 😍 )


So, 2021 has been busy and 2022 will be too – so watch this space!

Gift vouchers


Even though Christmas is nearly upon us, there is still time for you to drop a hint about the Châtelaine gift vouchers to any of your family or friends. This way, you can ensure that you get something that you really want or perhaps, you would just like to treat yourself? Go on, you know you want to!


Get a Voucher



If you follow us on Instagram, you will see that I came across a tradition that I have decided to adopt – lighting candles as part of advent towards Christmas or the Winter Solstice. You light all the candles on the first Sunday of Advent, then one less each week until you reach Christmas.


On Christmas or the Winter Solstice, all the candles are lit again to symbolize the return of light as the days start to get longer again.


I love the fact that the Châtelaine community is so international, there must be very many different traditions across countries and cultures. Even just the fact that for some, Christmas is in the summer! So, if you have a special Christmas or new year tradition in your home or family, then do let us know. See details of how to ‘engage with us’, below.

Featured design & stitcher


This time we are actually featuring four designs all stitched by the wonderful Jerri Jimenez (@jerrikayjimenez). These are four of the ‘workshop’ designs that focus on a particular speciality stitch. They are, clockwise from top left: Eyelet, Jessica Stitch, Rice Stitch, and Rhodes Stitch. And by the way: The design in the new Facebook Header (and soon for the website, too) incorporates the Jessica Workshop stitched by Jerri!


Rather than just practice the stitch over and over, why not do as Jerri did and get this collection of designs to really showcase these stitches? Jerri also sent us some beautiful close-ups of her work which will be on the website so do check out these designs and Jerri’s beautiful working of them. Thank you, Jerri!

Check out the Workshops

Want Fame?

If you would like your work to appear on the website, on social media, or in a future newsletter, then email us with your pictures and a bit of information about you, along with how and why you stitched the design. We love seeing your work and it’s great for future stitchers to be inspired by the work that you all do.

Send your pictures

Engage with us!


Follow us on Instagram and tag us using #chatelainestitching so we can see your lovely work, your progress, and your finishes.

Also, make sure you join the great community of stitchers in our Facebook Group. Go to and apply to join. You’ll find, support, encouragement, and probably more than just a little bit of enabling! Make sure to answer the joining questions.


So, all that is left is to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to hearing from you, seeing your work, and sharing more of what is happening at Châtelaine in 2022!


Ela & the Châtelaine Team


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Châtelaine Design
Manuela Weber - Eschenstr. 3 - 18057 Rostock, Germany - Mail: - Web:
UStID: DE316490629
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