ONL 200 – The 20th Anniversary Châtelaine Sampler – 2017

Anniversary Sampler
by Rebecca Armstrong on Hand- dyed 28 count: “I did this as a wedding sampler for me and my husband, it took me 12 years to find something special enough and this was it!”

Time flies – I so remember the early days of starting my business – and when pondering about this the “motto” for this sampler was there: “Tempus fugit – Amor manet”  Time flies, but the love stays. In my case, the love for needlework, colors, threads, fabrics …… all that!

 You can, of course, change the subject of this sampler to an anniversary sampler, for a wedding or such. Just leave out the over-one Châtelaine silhouette and insert initials, a date…

I will provide two differently sized alphabets (over one) for individualization.

This piece has a size of 177 x 243 stitches.

You will work a sumptuous border, filled with various threads, beads, metallics and using a variety of Special Stitches to achieve a very dimensional effect.

Inside you find smaller motives, corners, letters – all the single items of a sampler.

You can – if you like – stitch the saying in English, French or German – or, as pictured in Latin.



Materials List: Onl 200 – Mat List

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