Show your Châtelaines

You just finished a Châtelaine Design and would like to show your beautiful stitching to the community? That’s wonderful!

  • What fabric you used,
  • If you like: Your personal story with this design (when did you start/finish, what did it mean to you, what memories do you want to share),
  • If you made (big) changes etc.
  • The Name you would like to be credited with
  • Your Instagram tag you would like to be credited with

If you should want to send more than 5 pictures or have a really high quality, please use to send the files over, it’s super easy and delivers big files perfectly.

For you and us to be safe in legal things please also add the following text to your email:

I, [YOUR NAME], voluntarily submit photographs of my completed Châtelaine project [DESIGN NAME] to Châ and hereby consent to the use of these photographs in Châtelaine’s publicity material on the world wide web, including, but not limited to, the Châ website, social media applications, newsletters, design advertising and online image resource.

It’s so lovely for stitchers to see actual pictures on the website and get to know the story other stitchers have with the designs. I would of course credit you on my website and add the information you provide to the picture 🙂