You just finished a Châtelaine Design and would like to show your beautiful stitching to the community? That’s wonderful!
Do you allow me to use your photos for advertisement/social media/my website? I will of course credit you on my website and add the information you provide to the picture 🙂
If so, it would be wonderful if you would high-quality pictures of your finish to with the following information:
- The fabric you used
- If you made (big) changes etc.
- The Name you would like to be credited with
- Your instagram tag you would like to be credited with
- If you like: Your personal story with this design (when did you start/finish, what did it mean to you, what memories do you want to share),
It’s so lovely for stitchers to see actual pictures on the website and get to know the story other stitchers have with the designs, so: Thank you so much for being part of Châtelaine <3