OCF – ONL 089 – The Octopus Treasure Cave

Onl 089 black

If you like the worlds under the Sea, this is a piece for you! In the center, a beaded Octopus is sitting to guard his treasures…  He is surrounded by waves of Blackwork and underwater bays, filled with the organisms of the deep sea: Corals, Polyps, Shells, Jellyfish, and Starfish.

You will use beautiful and different threads and materials, sparkling braids, beads, and crystals. Special Stitches, Blackwork patterns, small stumworked shells will add to the normal cross stitch!

The mere design size is 193 x 193 stitches, you can check the materials here!

The Octopus Treasure Cave, stitched by Natalia Guirao (Instagram @schatz77natalia).

I was in love with the design since 2016 when I saw it for the first time. I began to collect all required materials in May 2018. I have used Phantom 32ct by Picture This Plus because I thought it allow the design to shine.
The only change I made I replaced one element – instead of stitching seashell I have used Mill Hill seashell treasures. The rest of the design stayed as it is.
My work was on pause/progress very slow because my twins were born in 2019 and our family moved to Sète (France) a few months later.
Sète is famous for its fishing port and long history of fishing tradition. The city has a statue of an octopus located in the main square of Sète and can be considered its symbol. It looks like it was my destiny to stitch the design 😊.
I am very happy with the way it came out.


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