Evening in the Park

OCF – CHAT 043 – Myst VIII

by Kate Andrijic on 32 ct Zweigart linen – ‘Cobblestone’ Colour: “It’s now been almost 50 years of stitching, and I never seem to tire of it. In 2010, I ‘discovered’ Martina and her “Chatelaine Designs”. It changed my whole emphasis on what I wanted to stitch. Each of her designs I have chosen requires over 600 hours of stitching – and I love each and every minute I spent on them. To date, I have completed 14 of the designs – and have a few more awaiting me in the stash cupboard. This design, “Mystery VIII – Evening In The Park” was my first one and started me on this marvelous journey. Thank you, Martina, for your wonderful gifts to the stitching world! And, Thank You, Ela, for continuing your contribution in keeping Chatelaine Designs going!!”

This design depicts the muted, darkened colors of the early evening. Lights are shining on the pathways already, and the swans swim calmly on the ponds. You can recreate this mood in stitching this design with a multitude of different threads and beads – cross stitches and Special Stitches.

Beautifully wrought iron gates are on all four sides, and the first snowflakes fall into the darkening night.

You receive the files in 12 parts, as it was published as Mystery VIII in 2005. This helps you to stitch in “bits and pieces” and not be intimidated by the size and complexity of this design. Please note that parts 8 & 11 are not marked as such. There are no separate instructions for this part but the chart is complete.

Size: The mere design size is 279 x 279 stitches.

Recommended Fabric: 16/32ct or 14/28ct of linen or evenweave. So many great color choices! Best to do a “floss toss” and see which you like the most – something to indicate the winter snowy evening sky perhaps?

Materials List: This design includes lovely soft silks, sparkly Treasure Braids, lots of beads and crystals… Check the complete material list here. 


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