ONL 005 A – The Alpine Garden Mandala – spec. “Scottish Settlers” Edition

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This is inspired by famous stories of Scottish settlers, outlanders, and adventurers.

The “old” Alpine design has been modified:

– with over-one Thistles in the corners,

– lush, ripe forest strawberries as ornaments in corners and in the center picture

(with an extra chart of “over-one” strawberries for those who like the challenge !!)

– as well as an insert of a Tartan border,

– and the coat of arms  with the famous Clan saying “Je suis pret” (over one)

The “rest” is the same as in the old design Onl 005.

“Old” Alpine Mandala

The size is the same: 290 x 290 stitches

New Materials List: Onl 005 Sp Edn Mat List

Please note:

The new extras and alterations are not available separately or as an extension to a previously purchased CHAT 045/ONL 005. I am sorry but if you want to stitch these, you will need to purchase this special design entirely. This design (ONL 005A) will not be available “in print on paper” either, only in PDF.

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