ONL 202 – The Châtelaine Anniversary Challenge Design (Berlin Belvedére)










This is a 2nd design for my 20th year  of creating interesting and challenging projects of embroidery for you !

You will have a wonderful late-Summer/early Autumn colored border of chestnut leafs – interspered with scrolls and classizistic patterns, studded with bead/s and crystals. Splurge…

In the very center is the “challenge” – a tiny Belvedére from  Berlin Charlottenburg castle – all “over one”.

Lots of Special Stitches will give this piece dimension.

The mere design size is 200 x 200 stitches.

This design will be available for an anniversary discounted price of  28.- Euro til end of 2017 and will cost 36.- Euro as of January 1st 2018 then.

Materials List: Onl 202 – Mat List


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