ONL 216
From the caleidoscopic series of “A-Mazing” designs this is a new one – with a fresh and unusual approach to Art Nouveau flowers and the mesmerizing Châtelaine Mandala effects.
Viennese colors: pale rose, fresh pink, shiny jet black, elegant greys and all kinds of gold and silver… highlighted with tads of worn-off silken greens here and there. This color combination was very well loved in the years of Edwardian fashion and later on….and Viennese milliners used these colors to shape the finest of little extravagant hats for the Ladies…
You have beautiful backgrounds with shaded colors and many dimensional Special Stitches to give a tactile effect.
Large over-one Lilies in creamy colors of white to maize-yellow…. (over-two substitutes are given as well)
Beadwork and woven patterns, overlay stitching and use of crystals and different kinds of beads.
Size: The mere design size is 263 x 263 stitches.
Recommended Fabric: 14/28ct or 16/32ct in white, medium pewter gray or maybe pale blue?
Materials: Honeydew, Mint, Banana and Petal Waterlilies, ten difference colors of sparkly threads, beads and crystals! Check the remainder of the material list here.
Choose the color of your fabric
Click on the colors below to see a preview of this design on different fabric background colors you might consider. For more options please visit The Design and Fabric Viewer.
If you like this “layout” of the new Mandala shape, look for _more_ of these “A-Mazing” Caleidoscopes…”